Design ====== Communication ------------- Lenovo HW01 smart watch uses `Bluetooth LE `_ for communication. It is done through *write*/*notification* mecanism. - RX Bluetooth characteristic `00000003-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb` is used to emit command from *host* to *device*. You will use this channel to write commands. - TX Device answers to *host* requests by sending back response in form of notification on Bluetooth characteristic `00000004-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb`, thus no explicit *read* is needed. Note: Notifications for its `Client Characteristic Configuration descriptor `_ need to be enabled in order to receive responses. Authentication -------------- No authentication, nor authorization is requested to establish communication beetween host and device. Binding is not permitted when device is already bond to another host. Commands -------- Lenovo HW01 smart watch answers to a set of commands. Each command starts with **AT+** [#AT]_ and is followed by ASCII strings representing: - Command name - Optional parameters (separated by commas) Example: .. code:: AT+command Commands can be used to : - Request data. - Configure the device (In this case "`=`" sign is used to specifiy arguments). Example: .. code:: AT+command=param1,param2... Refer to :doc:`API ` for detail. .. [#AT]